
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another freebie - Nivea Lotion

Here is another freebie for you! (there were 4 inserts this weekend - more freebies could be on the way!!)  I love Nivea Creme Lotion and to me whether it is the 2oz or the 10oz the formula is still the same, so why use a $2 off coupon on large bottle when I can use it on the small bottle priced at $1.97.  Yep, that's right, check your 4/29 RP (red plum) insert for this high value coupon and get some free lotion + make $.03 and take it with you when you go pick up your free starbucks! This coupon does expire 5/27 - so we have plenty of time to get it!

(please note this coupon does state "limit of 4 like coupons per transaction" so if you have more than 4 - just split your order up).

And for your sanity - print and take Walmart's Store Coupon Policy with will thank me later. 
Pin It!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the posts my dear!! Makes me want to go out and buy newspapers!
