
Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Shopping!

Yes, I went to Publix again...there is no picture because a lot of it was unloaded right into the garage...but here is a full breakdown with coupons!

(of course they were wiped out of the Hefty tins....booooo)

Playtex Cups x 2 = $7
Purina Beneful x 14 = -$15.47 (rain check fourteen $2 man and fourteen $2 target/publix)
Pepsi Next x 19 = -$14.97 (ten $1 man, nine $.55 man, nineteen $1 pub)
Bic Razors x 10 = -$1.05 (rain check, ten $3 man)
Breakstone Sour cream x 2 = $1.69
Quaker Oatmeal x 10 = $0 (five $1/2 tq, and ten $1 man)
Barefoot Wine = $10.69 (is it just me or do any couponers ever show alcohol purchases????)
Quaker Granola Bars x 10 = $15.45 (five $.75 man)
Lays Chips x 8 = $13.16 (four $1/2 man)
Mission Tortillas x 10 = $8.45 (five $1/2 man)
ICBINB x 2 = -$.05 (two $1.25 ip)
Boneless Chicken Breast x 4 = $15.85 (BOGO)
Ball Park Hotdogs x 4 = $4.58 = (two $1/2 man)
Natural Light = $12.49
Lowes Gift Cards x 6 = $240 (six $10 publix)

A few store didn't have Popsicles...bummer number 1, all out of hefty pans...bummer number 2, I still have coupons for 26 more dog food coupons...bummer number 3. 

Some of you may have heard but a couple of months ago a plane, yes a plane crashed into a local Publix.  Well, they have been closed ever since - which mean my beloved Publix has been INSANE ever since.  They are getting 4 plus trucks a week and seriously working their tales off to meet the demands of everyone.  I honestly never took the time to appreciate the staff at my store until this crisis happened.  They have handled it with so much patience and grace - it makes me a proud Publix shopper! I love this store, I love the staff - of course I have my faves and there are some grouches - but over all they are amazing. So next time you are frustrated or stressed out - take a deep breath - realize things could be worse - and thank your Cashier/Store Manager/Bagger for all of their hard work and having a generous coupon policy!

All in all I did pretty good.  I do have a monthly budget of $150 and I spend right at that this shopping trip, but I left with $300 in Lowes Gift I am one happy DIY'er :)

How did you do!!!
Pin It!


  1. Just curious about how you worked this deal...where did the $10 coupons come from? Your total plus gift cards was $148?

    1. The $10 lowes coupons are in the publix ad, it is in the yellow advantage flier. My total was $526 after gift cards. It was a big shopping trip for sure!

    2. Oh, and yes before coupons it was $526; after, my walk out the door price was $148.
